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Three drawer End Table
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  Virginia’s Finest and Largest Selection

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"I was recently gifted a three+ century old blanket chest. The chest is amazing but as with anything of that age it needed a little work. There were two concerns I noted that I wanted addressed so I reached out to Gates Antiques since they were just down the road from me and were so highly rated.

A decorative piece was missing on one side that I wanted replicated and there were a couple of loose structural joints. Jay looked the pieced over noted one other issue with original wrought iron hinges. What I really like about Jay (and later his mother who I got to talk with when I picked up the chest) is they have a passion for antique furniture. Jay was great because he respected the history of the piece and didn't try to upsell me in anyway. He did exactly what was needed no more and no less.

The reproduction decorative piece they made is perfect. It is almost a clone of the original and only upon close inspection would reveal itself to not be original. Structurally the chest is now solid. Jay's team did a great job, delivered on time and were very reasonably priced for their skillset. My blanket chest is now ready for another 100 years.

The other thing I like about Jay and his mother was they willingly shared their knowledge. Both of them gave me information that I was unaware of despite researching what I had prior to taking it to them.

In summation if you are looking for antique furniture or need some furniture repaired I highly recommend Gates."

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Gates Antiques Ltd. is conveniently located on Old Buckingham Road in Midlothian.

Gates Antiques Ltd.
12700 Old Buckingham Road
Midlothian, Virginia 23113-2818

Home Middle #3 Widget

This is a widgeted area which is called Home Middle #3. It is using the Genesis - Featured Page widget to display what you see on the Metric child theme demo site. To get started, log into your WordPress dashboard, and then go to the Appearance > Widgets screen. There you can drag the Genesis - Featured Page widget into the Home Middle #3 widget area on the right hand side. To get the image to display, simply upload an image through the media uploader on the edit post screen and publish your page. The Featured Page widget will know to display the post image as long as you select that option in the widget interface.