Oval Gold Leaf Mirror

Oval Gold Leaf Mirror

A nice, oval gold leaf mirror with three lights. Oval mirrors of this size are a rarity. One that can hold three candles is even more so.   [Read more…]

WRIC Interview: On The Money – Getting The Most For Your Furniture

RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) — This week, Good Morning Richmond is telling you how you can get the most for what you have. Today we have the inside scoop on how to get the most for your furniture.

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Aaron Willard Tall Case Clock (SOLD)

A wonderful, Mahogany Tall Case or Grandfather Clock.  This clock was made by the renowned clock maker Aaron Willard in Boston, Massachusetts before 1800.

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Best of Richmond Home 2015

Once again the readers’ have voted Gates Antiques Ltd. as one of Richmond’s favorite Antique Shops and Home Experts of 2015!

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Richmond Magazine Survey

We would like to thank all of the people that voted for Gates Antiques in Richmond Magazine’s annual “Best of Richmond” awards for 2014. We are providing a link to the new survey for 2015, your continued support will keep Gates Antiques as one of Richmond’s best business for another year.

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Richmond Magazine Best of 2014

“Voted Richmond’s Best and Worst 2014”.

Gates Antiques was on page 90 in this month’s Richmond Magazine’s Best and Worst under “Shop that knows how to make a furniture chip or scratch disappear”.

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Best of Richmond Home 2014

“Once again, Gates Antiques was voted as one of the best antique stores in Richmond.” Spring 2014

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Virginia Valuables

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to let you know the final Virginia Valuables Web Episodes are now all posted on the Virginia Valuables website. Visit the website at ideastations.org/vavaluables.

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