Look closely and prepare to be amazed! This beautiful card table has some of the most magnificently detailed inlay work one will see. First and foremost are the inlaid “Lilly of the Valley” panels at the top of each leg. [Read more…]
New York Card Table
“Check out the inlay!” are the first thoughts one has when viewing this table for the first time. This fine demilune card table features two pattern inlays on the legs of an ice cycle and scrolled paper. Designed to grab one’s attention the combination really delivers. Additionally, there is string inlay on the front and sides of the tapered legs with cuffing at the bottom. [Read more…]
Pair of Jacobean Card Tables
An incredibly rare pair of English Oak card tables in the Jacobean style. Pairs of tables in any style are rare in antiques. However, pairs of Jacobean tables…we have never seen any for sale, anywhere. [Read more…]
Queen Anne Card or Gaming Table
An incredible Queen Anne card or game table with a drawer. The finish is in outstanding condition and has great age. [Read more…]
Thomas Seymour Card Table
Thomas Seymour Card Table
An outstanding mahogany gaming, or card, table with a lovely double lyre (harp) base. The finish is original and in great condition. The decorative features painted on the legs are acanthus and may have been painted by John Penniman. [Read more…]